How to Continue Execution Aftereventhandler C


Introduction to C# EventHandler

An EventHandler in C# Programming Language is responsible for dealing with the events, which are programmed by the coder, to be executed when intended, asynchronously. Every programming language has its functions and limitations and the Event handler is one of the great functions for the proper execution of the program.

We understand any event that occurs is an action, which is a result of another action, like a simple click button followed by the functions. These events are handled or say monitored by the developer, in order for sequential execution of the program. Handling of the events is done by the built-in function known as EventHandler. Delegate is an important part of the eventhandler and when created, it aims towards the method eventhandler.


Now that we have understood what the eventhandler is, let us move on to learn more about it. The syntax for a function or a method is a crucial part and a simple syntax for Event handler method is as follows:

            public delegate void SimpleEH(int a, int b);          
  • You must have noticed the delegate keyword, which is of a special type and purely represent the methods. And the two arguments that we have are the object and the EventArgs, which might have different purposes.
  • This simple delegate above has a basic operation of pointing towards the method of event handling that accepts two parameters of integer and also returns an integer. This syntax for the method can be declared at the level of the namespace, which will implement a simple rule that there is no need to repeat it in any nested classes.

How EventHandler works in C#?

We have nicely learned what the eventhandler in C# is and its respective syntax. But understanding the working of the eventhandler is an important part, which helps in better implementation. Every move or step in a program is an event, which is handled by an eventhandler. We have a method for eventhandler and delegate is used to point towards that method. Here the delegate can be of anyone type out of these five: class, interface, structure, enumeration, and a delegate.

We have to create an instance of the delegate, that we have already learned with syntax. The delegate we create is pointing towards the eventhandler method. Now, the method is reached out every time we ping the created instance of the delegate.  Here, we must remember that all the C# events in .NET are basically based on delegates.

Basically, we have to define an event handler method within the event receiver in order to respond to an event. In order for better implementation, the signature with the delegate representing the even must match the method, for the event that we're at present handling.

Examples to Implement C# EventHandler

Below are the examples mentioned:

Example #1

We have understood the eventhandler method, its syntax along with its working. Now we move on to implementation, here we will write a program to print addition and execute it.


            using System; public delegate int EHsample(int a, int b); class Program { static void Main() { Adder a = new Adder(); EHsample instanceEHsample = new EHsample(a.Add); int sampleOutput = instanceEHsample(4, 3); Console.WriteLine("\n sampleOutput = {0}", sampleOutput); } } public class Adder { public int Add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } }          


C# EventHandler - 1

Explanation: We simply began with importing our system. Followed by a declaration of a delegate. We have already understood the syntax, which we are implementing here. We have two arguments without delegate, both of integer, a and b. Then our class Program, with main method. We have a simple Adder, with a new instance. We have created an Adder class further in the program. Then we have our instance for the delegate created and called our adder instance, to add. We then simply passed the two values, which here are 4 and 3. Finally we have our print statement, which will print sampleOutput = , followed by the addition of the two values we passed.

Then we have our public class Adder, where the operation of adding takes place for the values we passed earlier. Add function takes in two arguments and returns the addition of both and pass it to the output. For proper output, refer the below screenshot:

Example #2

Moving on, we will implement the eventhandler delegate method, with our next example.


            using System; public delegate void sampleEventHandler(); class Program { public static event sampleEventHandler _show; static void Main() { _show += new sampleEventHandler(Event); _show += new sampleEventHandler(Handler); _show.Invoke(); } static void Event() { Console.WriteLine("\n Event"); } static void Handler() { Console.WriteLine("\n Handler"); } }          


C# EventHandler - 2

Explanation: Similar to our first example, we have used a statement, then our declaration for the delegate and the class with the main method. We have show method instances where we add new events to the list. Then we add two events: Event and Handler. And when we execute the program, in times when the invoke method is called upon, these each method instances will be implemented and the text or string within will be printed. For the purpose of simplicity, we have used the static modifier for the event, which will allow direct access to the event within the static Main method.

Also the += used here are of no connection with the arithmetic operations. Refer the below screenshot for the output:


Every event is an action and that event is properly handled by the eventhandler. We create an instance for the delegate and call it when required, the delegate instance points towards the eventhandler method. These events are widely used in the Windows Forms Framework and so are the eventhandler and in case of threading, we implement the BackGroundWorker type.

Recommended Articles

This is a guide to C# EventHandler. Here we discuss an introduction to C# EventHandler, syntax, how does it work, and examples to implement with appropriate sample code. You can also go through our other related articles to learn more –

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